Source: Ana Avendaño and Linda Seabrook, On Labor blog, November 10, 2017
…. The following are practices that unions could adopt right now to address sexual harassment in America’s workplaces:
1) Recognize that sexual harassment is a workers’ rights issue. ….
2) Make sure that the union’s constitution and collectively bargained agreements contain guarantees against sexual harassment and retaliation. ….
3) Address member-on-member harassment. ….
4) Create a union culture that connects union values and behavior and welcomes women as equal partners in the struggle for social and economic justice. ….
5) Focus on prevention. ….
6) Encourage men—especially male leaders—to step up, speak out, and work to change the culture. ….
7) Create channels for members, union staff and others to report harassment quickly, before it escalates, without having to resort to formal mechanisms. ….
8) Train stewards in trauma-informed practices on handling claims of harassment. ….
9) Protect victims who file charges of harassment against retaliation. ….
10) Give women a voice in the grievance process, and include them as active participants. ….
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