Source: Midwest Economic Policy Institute, 2016
Reports include:
The State of the Unions 2016: A Profile of Unionization in Minneapolis, in Minnesota, and in America
Source: Frank Manzo IV, Robert Bruno, Jill Manzo, Monica Bielski Boris, Midwest Economic Policy Institute, September 2, 2016
From the press release:
A new study released today finds that organized labor still plays a considerable role in Minnesota’s economy, despite a decline of approximately 34,000 union members over the past decade. ….
As of 2015, the overall union membership rate is 14.2 percent in Minnesota:
– The number of union members has increased by about 11,000 since 2012.
– White, non-Latino workers are more likely to be unionized (15.0 percent) than non-white workers (9.8 percent) in the state.
– Veterans are among the most unionized socioeconomic groups in Minnesota (21.2 percent).
– By educational attainment, the most unionized workers in Minnesota hold Master’s degrees (31.0 percent)…..
The State of the Unions 2016: A Profile of Unionization in Milwaukee, in Wisconsin, and in the United States
Source: Frank Manzo IV, Don Taylor, Michael Childers, Robert Bruno, Jill Manzo, Midwest Economic Policy Institute, July 25, 2016
From the press release:
A new study released today finds that organized labor still plays a role in Wisconsin’s economy, despite a decline of approximately 136,000 union members over the past decade. …. Declining union membership in Wisconsin has resulted from a number of factors, including the effects of Act 10 on the public sector and the continued loss of manufacturing jobs. Since 2006, Wisconsin’s union membership rate has declined by 6.6 percentage points, from 14.9% to 8.3%. In a one year period, from 2014 to 2015, union membership dropped 3.3 percentage points. As a result, there are over 150 fewer labor unions and similar worker organizations in Wisconsin than there were ten years ago. ….
The State of the Unions 2016: A Profile of Unionization in Iowa and America
Source: Frank Manzo IV, Robert Bruno, Jill Manzo, Midwest Economic Policy Institute, May 31, 2016
From the press release:
A new study released today finds that organized labor still plays a role in Iowa’s economy, despite a decline of approximately 23,500 union members over the past decade. …. Since 2006, Iowa’s union membership rate has declined by 1.7 percentage points, from 11.3% to 9.6%. As a result, there are 36 fewer labor unions and similar worker organizations in Iowa than there were ten years ago. Over 350 employees working for labor unions have lost their jobs over the decade. ….
The State of the Unions 2016: A Profile of Unionization in Indianapolis, in Indiana, and in America
Source: Frank Manzo IV, Robert Bruno, Jill Manzo, Midwest Economic Policy Institute, May 23, 2016
From the press release:
A new study released today finds that organized labor still plays a considerable role in Indiana’s economy, despite a decline of approximately 52,000 union members over the past decade. …. Since 2006, Indiana’s union membership rate has declined by 2.0 percentage points, from 12.0% to 10.0%. As a result, there are nearly 126 fewer labor unions and similar worker organizations in Indiana than there were ten years ago. ….
The State of the Unions 2016: A Profile of Unionization in Chicago, in Illinois, and in America
Source: Frank Manzo IV, Robert Bruno, Virginia Parks, Midwest Economic Policy Institute, May 16, 2016
From the press release:
A new study released today finds that labor unions play a vital role in Illinois’ communities and economy, despite a decline of approximately 84,000 union members over the past decade. …. Since 2006, Illinois’ union membership rate has declined by 1.2 percentage points, from 16.4% to 15.2%. As a result, there are nearly 100 fewer labor unions and similar worker organizations in Illinois than there were ten years ago. ….
From ’15 to $15: the state of the unions in California and its key cities in 2015
Source: Patrick Adler, Chris Tilly, Trevor Thomas, University of California – Los Angeles, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, September 2015
IRLE’s State of The Union Series explores changes in union membership and composition from year to year.
Published annually on Labor Day, in it we present union activity calculations for California, its largest two urban areas and the nation as a whole. Our report is in part a reference, devoted to information on:
• The unionization rate in Greater Los Angeles, Greater San Francisco, California and the United States
• How unionization differs by age, ethnicity, educational attainment and immigration status.
• How benefits to unionization vary across our areas of interest
• How union membership, composition and compensation is changing….